The "Reasonable Compensation Section 199A" course is designed for CPAs, Accountants, and Financial Professionals. This program was developed by Kevin Cross, MST, E.A., C.P.A. ...
The "Be Aware or Beware: Drivers of Large Malpractice Claims" course is designed for CPAs, Accountants, and Financial Professionals. This program was developed by Sarah Ference...
The "Professional Standards, Jury Standards,& Manging Risks " course is designed for CPAs, Accountants, and Financial Professionals. This program was developed by Duncan Will...
The "Becoming a CPA Financial Planner" course is designed for CPAs, Accountants, and Financial Professionals. This program was developed by Shawn McCabe at CPS Investment...
The "Cryptoccurrency: Regulatory Pitfalls" course is designed for CPAs, Accountants, and Financial Professionals. This program was developed by Michael Dobson at the Florida...
Non-U.S. citizens have several opportunities when assets are held in a foreign trust. But what happens when a U.S. resident is a grantor of a foreign trust?This webinar focuses on...
Many tax issues raised by foreign trusts are just a layer on the existing rules governing trusts but pose interesting challenges. Beneficiaries and owners of foreign (non-U.S.)...
Although the most common reason for setting up a trust is financial protection that is marked by a continuity of professional management and guidance, trusts, depending on their...
The importance of technology in business is ever growing. Regardless of the size of your business, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will enhance your...
This course explains the U.S. tax impact of creating, funding and operating both U.S. and foreign trusts. Issues addressed are relevant to citizens, resident non-citizens and non...
Welcome to FICPA's State Tax Complexities Post-Wayfair: Part 2. This program is presented in three sections and should take about an hour.
Organizations with limits on the amount of income or gifts which are taxable, such as non-profit organizations, may be tax-exempt. It is important for these organizations to...