This is a two-part series that discuss new trends and concepts the financial controller should begin to execute in order to truly become a valued member of the senior leadership...
Conduct a compliant audit Identify proper audit procedures to test the line items of the statement of net assets available for benefits, including investments. Identify proper...
Explore the current audit environment, and recognize audit challenges triggered by the current environment. Provide a comprehensive review of recent audit pronouncement and...
Leaders have the right to exercise customary management functions. Employees have the right to be kept free from discrimination. Neither employer rights nor employee rights are...
Over 80% of all employment-related lawsuits relate to termination. Every termination should be treated as a potential lawsuit. The facts supporting a leader's recommendation of...
A harmonious working environment is one in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected. Critical to maintaining it are that employees have high self-esteem, are treated...
Over the last few years, mental health has become more of a mainstream issue. In fact, statistics indicate that approximately one in four adults experience a mental health...
How do you keep your team connected with the limitations of virtual meetings? Suddenly, it’s more important than ever for each member to understand and appreciate their differences...
Do you often hear people complaining about coworkers or other departments? Do you have talented people with the right skills who struggle to collaborate and cooperate as a team...
Although organizations are trying to create and manage diverse and inclusive workplaces, many are not aware of some of the best practices and simple strategies they can incorporate...
The tools for managing performance and addressing misconduct are not identical. The failure to point this out to leaders has often resulted in the use of the wrong tool...
Do you ever get tired of other people's complaining and negativity? How can you stay calm, upbeat, and motivated despite other people’s grumpiness, rudeness, or pessimism? This...