Increasingly, automating business processes is a necessity. In this session, you will learn about real-world examples of automating business processes. Remember, the survival of...
Tax planning is more than an estimated tax calculation, it's a process. Where are we now and what can we change? This timely program will highlight significant 2022-23 tax...
Most of the models of work that we use today were not built for the pace of change and the dynamism of work today. In this course, you will learn how so many models we use at work...
This program explores the role of client internal controls for balancing efficiency and effectiveness in a risk-based audit. We offer practical insights regarding an auditor's...
Participate in this session to learn about key emerging technologies, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and selfsupervised learning.
This course concisely explains the latest "see, hear, speak" multi-modal updates to ChatGPT and how they can be used in an accounting context. New features include vision...
Making the S-election avoids double taxation for corporate operations after the election is effective. Consider the special rules related to adjusting the stock-adjusted basis...
Businesses must contend with growing digital content. This data must be secured, its integrity remaining intact, and available to those needing it. We'll discuss the importance of...
As spreadsheets evolve, so must your practices for creating, editing, and auditing them. In this program, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the best ways to work with...
Financial skills needed in many situations are constantly changing. It is prudent to routinely look into your toolbox to restock or revise your tool set. In this course we will...
No matter what role you play in your professional life, being able to command an audience--whether of one or of thousands--is an important skill. Public speaking, no matter how you...
Supervisor Skills - Coaching Staff to Stay on the Right Track provides tips and techniques for critical coaching responsibilities. Being a successful coach requires tackling...