Working On Your Behalf
FICPA represents the profession's interests in areas of public policy formation, standard-setting, and rule-making that impacts our members, the accounting profession, and Florida’s business climate. We cultivate relationships with legislators and regulators, monitor issues, provide input on legislation and other topics, and actively maintain relationships with key agencies. Through the Florida CPA Political Action Committees, we identify and support the election of candidates running for the Florida House, Florida Senate and Florida Cabinet who share our viewpoint on policy issues important to the CPA profession in Florida.
Advocacy Updates
Stay informed with FICPA Advocacy Updates
The FICPA Advocacy Update is your briefing on the activities of the Florida Legislature and all things impacting the CPA Profession in Florida. If you would like to know more about or advocacy efforts, please contact Governmental Affairs at
Advocacy in Action Toolkit
Practical tools and resources to assist you in effectively advocating on behalf of the accounting profession
Schedule a legislative visit, become a key contact and learn how to communicate effectively with your legislative representative and much more.
Advocacy Action Center
Make your voice heard on key issues that impact your professional interests!
Grassroots advocacy is a vital part of the legislative process. Stay up to date with any bills the FICPA is tracking, find your elected officials and legislators, in your district and sign up for alerts to engage in any legislative "Calls to Action" that may be needed by the membership.
Florida CPA/PAC
The voice of the CPA profession in Florida politics
For our legislative efforts to succeed, we need the voice and participation of our members. The objective of the Florida CPA/PAC is to help protect the trust, confidence and esteem the CPA certificate holds in the public's eye.
To share your thoughts and insights on legislative and regulatory issues of concern to you, contact FICPAs Governmental Affairs Team below.
Jason Harrell
Chief External Affairs Officer
Legislative & Regulatory Issues
Board of Accountancy
Florida CPA Political Action Committee
Lauren Henderson
Deputy Director of Governmental Affairs
Legislative & Regulatory Issues
Florida CPA Political Action Committee
Advocacy Communications
Florida Board of Accountancy
The FICPA is a separate entity from the Florida Board of Accountancy (FLBOA), which licenses CPAs. Here is a list of FBOA links and contact information.