2024 Financial Statement Analysis
Registration is Closed
Online registration for this course is now closed. Please contact the Member Service Center at (800) 342-3197 if you wish to inquire about registering.
This hands-on workshop offers an analytical approach for designing, executing, and communicating results of a comprehensive financial statement analysis. We will explore numerous techniques and approaches that facilitate in-depth financial statement analysis. Accountants in public practice will obtain insight regarding analytical procedures, additional client services, and enhanced compliance with professional standards. Accountants in private enterprises will develop more robust techniques for understanding their organization’s financial statements to facilitate forward-thinking decisions and communication to internal and external stakeholders.
- Recognize techniques for financial statement analysis
- Identify tools that facilitate analysis and apply tools and techniques to actual financial statements
- Communicate results to decision-makers
Major Topics:
- Purposes of financial statement analysis
- Trend analysis and vertical & horizontal analysis
- Simple and multivariate regression; Analysis of metrics
- Assessment of liquidity, solvency, and profitability
- Using data visualizations
- The role of qualitative factors
Major Topics:
- Purposes of financial statement analysis
- Trend analysis and vertical & horizontal analysis
- Simple and multivariate regression; Analysis of metrics
- Assessment of liquidity, solvency, and profitability
- Using data visualizations
- The role of qualitative factors